Guarantee Pass

How our Guarantee Pass works

Our Exam Simulator helps you succeed with unlimited practice exams to reinforce key concepts. After completing all course lessons, pass two consecutive Guarantee Pass exams within three business days of your state exam, without limits on attempts or additional cost.


Complete your course

Study at your own pace as you complete the lessons and pass the course final exam.


Pass two consecutive Guarantee Pass exams

Take unlimited attempts until two in a row are passed, confirming readiness for the state exam.


Take the state licensing exam

Take your state licensing exam within three business days of passing your second consecutive Guarantee Pass exam to ensure the material remains clear and reinforced.


Pass the state exam or keep studying for free

If you qualify for the Guarantee Pass but don't pass the state exam, you'll continue to receive unlimited access to all course materials at no extra cost until you do. Should you choose not to continue, you have the option to receive a full refund.

Why our guarantee works

With unlimited attempts, no extra fees, and ongoing support, our Guarantee Pass is designed to give you the best possible chance to succeed. We are committed to your success!

No Arbitrary Limits

Many programs limit you to one or two mastery exam attempts, disqualifying you if you don't pass. We provide unlimited attempts to ensure you qualify for our Guarantee Pass.

Realistic Exam Experience

Our Guarantee Pass exam mirrors the format, difficulty, and question structure of the state licensing exam, ensuring you're fully prepared.

95% Success Rate

Students who take their state licensing exam within three business days of passing two consecutive Guarantee Pass exams report a 95% success rate.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Guarantee Pass exam differ from practice exams?
Practice exams in our Exam Simulator are unlimited, allowing you to review and reinforce your understanding of the material at your own pace. Guarantee Pass exams, on the other hand, are designed to evaluate your readiness for the state licensing exam. After completing all course lessons, you must pass two consecutive Guarantee Pass exams within three business days of your state exam. These exams have no additional costs or attempt limits but serve as a final assessment rather than a study tool.
What are the timing requirements for passing two consecutive Guarantee Pass exams?
To demonstrate proficiency, you must take your state licensing exam within three (3) business days of passing two consecutive Guarantee Pass exams.
What if I don't pass the state exam after meeting the Guarantee Pass conditions?
You will retain unlimited free access to the course until you pass the state exam. Alternatively, you may request a full refund of your original enrollment fee, but this will end your access to course materials.
What happens if I fail a Guarantee Pass exam?
Failing a Guarantee Pass exam restarts your two attempts. You must pass two back-to-back Guarantee Pass exams to qualify again.
How do I request a refund if I don't want continued free access?
If you meet the Guarantee Pass eligibility but do not pass your state exam, you can request a full refund of your original course enrollment fee. Simply email us at with your exam results report from the exam center no later than seven (7) business days after your failed attempt. We will process your refund to the credit card used for enrollment—no hassle, no fine print.
How long does it take to process a refund?
Once approved, the refund will be processed within five (5) business days, depending on your financial institution.
Will I still have access to the course if I request a refund?
Requesting a refund will end access to all course materials and resources immediately.
Refund Eligibility
  • Failure to Meet Guarantee Requirements - Refunds are only available to students who fully comply with the program requirements, including successfully completing all course lessons and sitting for the state licensing exam within three (3) business days of passing two consecutive Guarantee Pass exams.
  • Refund Request Deadline - Requests must be submitted within seven (7) business days of failing the state licensing exam.
  • Refund Amount - Refunds apply only to the original course enrollment fee and do not include course extension purchases. Access to course materials ends upon refund approval.
  • Policy Violations - Refunds are not available to students who violate exam policies, academic integrity rules, or state testing regulations.
  • Missed Exam Appointments - Refunds are not available for students who fail to attend the state exam due to a no-show or being denied entry for any reason.
  • Taking the Wrong Exam - Refunds are not available for students who take a state exam that does not correspond with the enrolled pre-licensing course.

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